Thursday 26 May 2016

Week 19

Today was a special day. If you never guessed it's my Birthday! I dressed up nice to blow out my candles, I was rocking my light up sketchers, a pair of camo shorts, and my and my orange tank top. Blowing and blowing the candle wouldn't go out but as the flame flickered and went out, my wish had came true! There was a bunch of big happy people in front of me. Those people are my family. The only thing I will ever need is my loving, caring family.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

It was a dark and stormy night. The sounds of rain actually sounded way more peaceful then complete silence. Until I heard thunder… My two favourite things, thunder and rain, I got out of my green pyjamas and got into my orange rain suit. Running outside splashing in all the puddles I jumped into the deepest puddle and swam/relaxed in it.The rain kept on pouring harder and harder until I had to go in because it was pelting my body and face way to hard. I may have got in trouble the next day but it sure was worth it.

Thursday 12 May 2016

100 WC week 17

                                                                         Stairway Denied

I have always love where I live. There's a lot of nice kids, good weather, nice houses, and most of all the beaches! Every day I walk home on the beach the same thing every day. Until I saw the biggest floating stair set ever. I walked up the first few stairs, hesitated, and turned around I would love to climb it but I remembered it was tuna Tuesday at my house. It was only 3 o'clock I climbed as much as I could until I had to race down and go home

Thursday 5 May 2016

100 WC week 16

Getting my wisdom teeth pulled out has always been a fear of mine just the thought of all the needles and different tools frightened me. I was nervous until the doctor gave me my medicine, and I couldn't remember anything after that. When I woke up I felt nothing but after a little while suddenly the pain struck. Not more medicine meant I could feel everything. And that sure sucked.