Thursday 14 April 2016

week 13 100WC

My heart was racing as the news was informing us that a meteorite was going hit earth at approximately 12:30 pm  and we were watching the 10:00 am news. Right away I ran outside to see if this theory was true. I thought I saw something grey ish red coming toward us. I didn't believe it was a meteor but the spot just grew and grew. My life was over there was no way of living. Until, I remembered it was April 1st which is April fools. The KCBC news pranked all of Kentucky. When I remembered it was april fool i doubted it but they had also just announced it.


  1. Your story is really creative. You have minor punctuation errors that can be easily be fixed. Good story.

  2. Your story was really good. But in your story there is a "I" you need to capitalize. And, there are some sentences you need comma in like: My life was over "," there was no way of living. And, i don't think we need to know if the news was at AM. And the first sentence doesn't make sense, which is: My heart was racing as the news was informing us that a meteorite was GOING HIT. I think it's suppose to be "was going TO hit.
